Optimizing plant visits with a big show

To land a big sale, you need to put on a big show. We were reviewing a client’s marketing strategy during a strategic planning meeting. Their anchor strategy was to enhance the customer base by focusing on “whales” – large corporate accounts. Because this strategy requires selling at the V and C level (Vice Presidents and CEO/COO/CFO), the key step in the marketing process is having the V- or C-level executive and their supporting staff visit the plant. Such a visit helps visually communicate the company’s capability to handle a client’s mission-critical business.

During the first plant tour they held for a key prospect, the facility’s physical impressiveness was in sharp contrast with the inconsistent and sloppy presentations by each department’s spokesman. The months of earlier careful marketing efforts were undone with a negative first impression.

Now, our client has what they call “the big show.” When a major prospect visit to the plant is in the works, they plan and manage it like a movie production. Each department has a designated spokesman. There are costumes (quality logoed shirts), scripts that highlight key points to make, and props that solicit interest and illustrate points from the script. Further, there are dress rehearsals to hone the presentations. The sales impact has been spectacular – and the company’s employees have a blast doing it.

For more insights on “hunting big sales” take a look at Tom Searcy’s website.

To learn how to run high stakes meetings, like strategic planning, read An End to Meeting Madness

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