Strategic Planning Myths

True. No! Just kidding - that's a myth. Strategic planning is a simple process where the 5 to 12 people who are most responsible for creating the future get together in an intense, focused, process to answer the basic questions of business life:

  • Where are we?
  • Where do we want to be?
  • What do we need to change in order to get there?

Having answered the big three questions, the team then creates action plans that start them moving in that direction - now! Now means today, this week, this month, and this quarter.

The major difference between strategic planning for a big company and doing so for a small company is the number of zeros following the numbers. Fortune 500 companies like to take weeks, involve expensive consulting firms, and meet at fancy resorts. Organizations like yours get the job done in two intense days at a local hotel meeting room or meeting facility.

Myrna Associates has worked with small company teams whose executives spent years doing it the Fortune 500 way and they tell us our intense two-day process produces better results. Not just comparable - better!

Take a look at some of their actual testimonials.